Source code for kfp.components.types.type_annotations

# Copyright 2021 The Kubeflow Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""Classes for input/output type annotations in KFP SDK.

These are only compatible with v2 Pipelines.

import re
from typing import TypeVar, Union

    from typing import Annotated
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Annotated

T = TypeVar('T')

[docs]class OutputPath: """Annotation for indicating a variable is a path to an output.""" def __init__(self, type=None): self.type = type def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, OutputPath): return self.type == other.type return False
[docs]class InputPath: """Annotation for indicating a variable is a path to an input.""" def __init__(self, type=None): self.type = type def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, InputPath): return self.type == other.type return False
class InputAnnotation(): """Marker type for input artifacts.""" pass class OutputAnnotation(): """Marker type for output artifacts.""" pass # Input represents an Input artifact of type T. Input = Annotated[T, InputAnnotation] # Output represents an Output artifact of type T. Output = Annotated[T, OutputAnnotation] def is_artifact_annotation(typ) -> bool: if not hasattr(typ, '__metadata__'): return False if typ.__metadata__[0] not in [InputAnnotation, OutputAnnotation]: return False return True def is_input_artifact(typ) -> bool: """Returns True if typ is of type Input[T].""" if not is_artifact_annotation(typ): return False return typ.__metadata__[0] == InputAnnotation def is_output_artifact(typ) -> bool: """Returns True if typ is of type Output[T].""" if not is_artifact_annotation(typ): return False return typ.__metadata__[0] == OutputAnnotation def get_io_artifact_class(typ): if not is_artifact_annotation(typ): return None if typ == Input or typ == Output: return None return typ.__args__[0] def get_io_artifact_annotation(typ): if not is_artifact_annotation(typ): return None return typ.__metadata__[0] def maybe_strip_optional_from_annotation(annotation: T) -> T: """Strips 'Optional' from 'Optional[<type>]' if applicable. For example:: Optional[str] -> str str -> str List[int] -> List[int] Args: annotation: The original type annotation which may or may not has `Optional`. Returns: The type inside Optional[] if Optional exists, otherwise the original type. """ if getattr(annotation, '__origin__', None) is Union and annotation.__args__[1] is type(None): return annotation.__args__[0] return annotation def get_short_type_name(type_name: str) -> str: """Extracts the short form type name. This method is used for looking up serializer for a given type. For example:: typing.List -> List typing.List[int] -> List typing.Dict[str, str] -> Dict List -> List str -> str Args: type_name: The original type name. Returns: The short form type name or the original name if pattern doesn't match. """ match = re.match('(typing\.)?(?P<type>\w+)(?:\[.+\])?', type_name) if match: return'type') else: return type_name