Source code for kfp.components.pipeline_task

# Copyright 2021 The Kubeflow Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Pipeline task class and operations."""

import re
import copy
from typing import Any, List, Mapping, Optional, Union

from kfp.components import constants
from kfp.components import placeholders
from kfp.components import pipeline_channel
from kfp.components import structures
from kfp.components.types import type_utils

def create_pipeline_task(
    component_spec: structures.ComponentSpec,
    args: Mapping[str, Any],
) -> 'PipelineTask':  # pytype: disable=name-error
    return PipelineTask(component_spec=component_spec, args=args)

[docs]class PipelineTask: """Represents a pipeline task -- an instantiated component. Replaces `ContainerOp`. Holds operations available on a task object, such as `.after()`, `.set_memory_limit()`, `enable_caching()`, etc. Attributes: name: The name of the task. Unique within its parent group. outputs: task_spec: The task spec of the task. component_spec: The component spec of the task. container_spec: The resolved container spec of the task. Only one of container_spec and importer_spec should be filled. importer_spec: The resolved importer spec of the task. Only one of container_spec and importer_spec should be filled. """ # To be override by pipeline `register_task_and_generate_id` register_task_handler = lambda task: def __init__( self, component_spec: structures.ComponentSpec, args: Mapping[str, Any], ): """Initilizes a PipelineTask instance. Args: component_spec: The component definition. args: The dictionary of component arguments. """ args = args or {} for input_name, argument_value in args.items(): if input_name not in component_spec.inputs: raise ValueError( f'Component "{}" got an unexpected input:' f' {input_name}.') input_type = component_spec.inputs[input_name].type argument_type = None if isinstance(argument_value, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel): argument_type = argument_value.channel_type elif isinstance(argument_value, str): argument_type = 'String' elif isinstance(argument_value, bool): argument_type = 'Boolean' elif isinstance(argument_value, int): argument_type = 'Integer' elif isinstance(argument_value, float): argument_type = 'Float' elif isinstance(argument_value, dict): argument_type = 'Dict' elif isinstance(argument_value, list): argument_type = 'List' else: raise ValueError( 'Input argument supports only the following types: ' 'str, int, float, bool, dict, and list. Got: ' f'"{argument_value}" of type "{type(argument_value)}".') type_utils.verify_type_compatibility( given_type=argument_type, expected_type=input_type, error_message_prefix=( 'Incompatible argument passed to the input ' f'"{input_name}" of component "{}": '), ) self.component_spec = component_spec self.task_spec = structures.TaskSpec( name=self.register_task_handler(), inputs={input_name: value for input_name, value in args.items()}, dependent_tasks=[],, enable_caching=True, ) self.importer_spec = None self.container_spec = None if component_spec.implementation.container is not None: self.container_spec = self._resolve_command_line_and_arguments( component_spec=component_spec, args=args, ) elif component_spec.implementation.importer is not None: self.importer_spec = component_spec.implementation.importer self.importer_spec.artifact_uri = args['uri'] self._outputs = { output_name: pipeline_channel.create_pipeline_channel( name=output_name, channel_type=output_spec.type,, ) for output_name, output_spec in ( component_spec.outputs or {}).items() } self._inputs = args self._channel_inputs = [ value for _, value in args.items() if isinstance(value, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel) ] + pipeline_channel.extract_pipeline_channels_from_any([ value for _, value in args.items() if not isinstance(value, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel) ]) @property def name(self) -> str: """Returns the name of the task.""" return @property def inputs( self ) -> List[Union[type_utils.PARAMETER_TYPES, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel]]: """Returns the list of actual inputs passed to the task.""" return self._inputs @property def channel_inputs(self) -> List[pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel]: """Returns the list of all PipelineChannels passed to the task.""" return self._channel_inputs @property def output(self) -> pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel: """Returns the single output object (a PipelineChannel) of the task.""" if len(self._outputs) != 1: raise AttributeError return list(self._outputs.values())[0] @property def outputs(self) -> Mapping[str, pipeline_channel.PipelineChannel]: """Returns the dictionary of outputs (PipelineChannels) of the task.""" return self._outputs @property def dependent_tasks(self) -> List[str]: """Returns the list of dependent task names.""" return self.task_spec.dependent_tasks def _resolve_command_line_and_arguments( self, component_spec: structures.ComponentSpec, args: Mapping[str, str], ) -> structures.ContainerSpec: """Resolves the command line argument placeholders in a container spec. Args: component_spec: The component definition. args: The dictionary of component arguments. """ argument_values = args component_inputs = component_spec.inputs or {} inputs_dict = { input_name: input_spec for input_name, input_spec in component_inputs.items() } component_outputs = component_spec.outputs or {} outputs_dict = { output_name: output_spec for output_name, output_spec in component_outputs.items() } def expand_command_part(arg) -> Union[str, List[str], None]: if arg is None: return None if isinstance(arg, (str, int, float, bool)): return str(arg) elif isinstance(arg, (dict, list)): return json.dumps(arg) elif isinstance(arg, structures.InputValuePlaceholder): input_name = arg.input_name if not type_utils.is_parameter_type( inputs_dict[input_name].type): raise TypeError( f'Input "{input_name}" with type ' f'"{inputs_dict[input_name].type}" cannot be paired with ' 'InputValuePlaceholder.') if input_name in args or type_utils.is_task_final_status_type( inputs_dict[input_name].type): return placeholders.input_parameter_placeholder(input_name) else: input_spec = inputs_dict[input_name] if input_spec.default is not None: return None else: raise ValueError( f'No value provided for input: {input_name}.') elif isinstance(arg, structures.InputUriPlaceholder): input_name = arg.input_name if type_utils.is_parameter_type(inputs_dict[input_name].type): raise TypeError( f'Input "{input_name}" with type ' f'"{inputs_dict[input_name].type}" cannot be paired with ' 'InputUriPlaceholder.') if input_name in args: input_uri = placeholders.input_artifact_uri_placeholder( input_name) return input_uri else: input_spec = inputs_dict[input_name] if input_spec.default is not None: return None else: raise ValueError( f'No value provided for input: {input_name}.') elif isinstance(arg, structures.InputPathPlaceholder): input_name = arg.input_name if type_utils.is_parameter_type(inputs_dict[input_name].type): raise TypeError( f'Input "{input_name}" with type ' f'"{inputs_dict[input_name].type}" cannot be paired with ' 'InputPathPlaceholder.') if input_name in args: input_path = placeholders.input_artifact_path_placeholder( input_name) return input_path else: input_spec = inputs_dict[input_name] if input_spec.optional: return None else: raise ValueError( f'No value provided for input: {input_name}.') elif isinstance(arg, structures.OutputUriPlaceholder): output_name = arg.output_name if type_utils.is_parameter_type(outputs_dict[output_name].type): raise TypeError( f'Onput "{output_name}" with type ' f'"{outputs_dict[output_name].type}" cannot be paired with ' 'OutputUriPlaceholder.') output_uri = placeholders.output_artifact_uri_placeholder( output_name) return output_uri elif isinstance(arg, structures.OutputPathPlaceholder): output_name = arg.output_name if type_utils.is_parameter_type(outputs_dict[output_name].type): output_path = placeholders.output_parameter_path_placeholder( output_name) else: output_path = placeholders.output_artifact_path_placeholder( output_name) return output_path elif isinstance(arg, structures.ConcatPlaceholder): expanded_argument_strings = expand_argument_list(arg.items) return ''.join(expanded_argument_strings) elif isinstance(arg, structures.IfPresentPlaceholder): if arg.if_structure.input_name in argument_values: result_node = arg.if_structure.then else: result_node = arg.if_structure.otherwise if result_node is None: return [] if isinstance(result_node, list): expanded_result = expand_argument_list(result_node) else: expanded_result = expand_command_part(result_node) return expanded_result else: raise TypeError('Unrecognized argument type: {}'.format(arg)) def expand_argument_list(argument_list) -> Optional[List[str]]: if argument_list is None: return None expanded_list = [] for part in argument_list: expanded_part = expand_command_part(part) if expanded_part is not None: if isinstance(expanded_part, list): expanded_list.extend(expanded_part) else: expanded_list.append(str(expanded_part)) return expanded_list container_spec = component_spec.implementation.container resolved_container_spec = copy.deepcopy(container_spec) resolved_container_spec.command = expand_argument_list( container_spec.command) resolved_container_spec.args = expand_argument_list(container_spec.args) return resolved_container_spec
[docs] def set_caching_options(self, enable_caching: bool) -> 'PipelineTask': """Sets caching options for the Pipeline task. Args: enable_caching: Whether or not to enable caching for this task. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ self.task_spec.enable_caching = enable_caching return self
[docs] def set_cpu_limit(self, cpu: str) -> 'PipelineTask': """Set cpu limit (maximum) for this operator. Args: cpu(str): A string which can be a number or a number followed by "m", whichmeans 1/1000. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ if re.match(r'([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+m?$', cpu) is None: raise ValueError( 'Invalid cpu string. Should be float or integer, or integer' ' followed by "m".') if cpu.endswith('m'): cpu = float(cpu[:-1]) / 1000 else: cpu = float(cpu) if self.container_spec is None: raise ValueError( 'There is no container specified in implementation') if self.container_spec.resources is not None: self.container_spec.resources.cpu_limit = cpu else: self.container_spec.resources = structures.ResourceSpec( cpu_limit=cpu) return self
[docs] def set_gpu_limit(self, gpu: str) -> 'PipelineTask': """Set gpu limit (maximum) for this operator. Args: gpu(str): Positive number required for number of GPUs. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ if re.match(r'[1-9]\d*$', gpu) is None: raise ValueError('GPU must be positive integer.') gpu = int(gpu) if self.container_spec is None: raise ValueError( 'There is no container specified in implementation') if self.container_spec.resources is not None: self.container_spec.resources.accelerator_count = gpu else: self.container_spec.resources = structures.ResourceSpec( accelerator_count=gpu) return self
[docs] def set_memory_limit(self, memory: str) -> 'PipelineTask': """Set memory limit (maximum) for this operator. Args: memory(str): a string which can be a number or a number followed by one of "E", "Ei", "P", "Pi", "T", "Ti", "G", "Gi", "M", "Mi", "K", "Ki". Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ if re.match(r'^[0-9]+(E|Ei|P|Pi|T|Ti|G|Gi|M|Mi|K|Ki){0,1}$', memory) is None: raise ValueError( 'Invalid memory string. Should be a number or a number ' 'followed by one of "E", "Ei", "P", "Pi", "T", "Ti", "G", ' '"Gi", "M", "Mi", "K", "Ki".') if memory.endswith('E'): memory = float(memory[:-1]) * constants._E / constants._G elif memory.endswith('Ei'): memory = float(memory[:-2]) * constants._EI / constants._G elif memory.endswith('P'): memory = float(memory[:-1]) * constants._P / constants._G elif memory.endswith('Pi'): memory = float(memory[:-2]) * constants._PI / constants._G elif memory.endswith('T'): memory = float(memory[:-1]) * constants._T / constants._G elif memory.endswith('Ti'): memory = float(memory[:-2]) * constants._TI / constants._G elif memory.endswith('G'): memory = float(memory[:-1]) elif memory.endswith('Gi'): memory = float(memory[:-2]) * constants._GI / constants._G elif memory.endswith('M'): memory = float(memory[:-1]) * constants._M / constants._G elif memory.endswith('Mi'): memory = float(memory[:-2]) * constants._MI / constants._G elif memory.endswith('K'): memory = float(memory[:-1]) * constants._K / constants._G elif memory.endswith('Ki'): memory = float(memory[:-2]) * constants._KI / constants._G else: # By default interpret as a plain integer, in the unit of Bytes. memory = float(memory) / constants._G if self.container_spec is None: raise ValueError( 'There is no container specified in implementation') if self.container_spec.resources is not None: self.container_spec.resources.memory_limit = memory else: self.container_spec.resources = structures.ResourceSpec( memory_limit=memory) return self
[docs] def add_node_selector_constraint(self, accelerator: str) -> 'PipelineTask': """Sets accelerator type requirement for this task. Args: value(str): The name of the accelerator. Available values include 'NVIDIA_TESLA_K80', 'TPU_V3'. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ if self.container_spec is None: raise ValueError( 'There is no container specified in implementation') if self.container_spec.resources is not None: self.container_spec.resources.accelerator_type = accelerator if self.container_spec.resources.accelerator_count is None: self.container_spec.resources.accelerator_count = 1 else: self.container_spec.resources = structures.ResourceSpec( accelerator_count=1, accelerator_type=accelerator) return self
[docs] def set_display_name(self, name: str) -> 'PipelineTask': """Set display name for the pipelineTask. Args: name(str): display name for the task. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ self.task_spec.display_name = name return self
[docs] def set_env_variable(self, name: str, value: str) -> 'PipelineTask': """Set environment variable for the pipelineTask. Args: name: The name of the environment variable. value: The value of the environment variable. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ if self.container_spec.env is not None: self.container_spec.env[name] = value else: self.container_spec.env = {name: value} return self
[docs] def after(self, *tasks) -> 'PipelineTask': """Specify explicit dependency on other tasks. Args: name(tasks): dependent tasks. Returns: Self return to allow chained setting calls. """ for task in tasks: self.task_spec.dependent_tasks.append( return self