Source code for kfp.client.client

# Copyright 2022 The Kubeflow Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""The SDK client for Kubeflow Pipelines API."""

import copy
import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import tarfile
import tempfile
import time
import warnings
import zipfile
from typing import Any, Callable, Mapping, Optional

import kfp_server_api
import yaml
from kfp import compiler
from kfp.client import auth

# Operators on scalar values. Only applies to one of |int_value|,
# |long_value|, |string_value| or |timestamp_value|.
    "UNKNOWN": 0,
    "EQUALS": 1,
    "NOT_EQUALS": 2,
    "GREATER_THAN": 3,
    "LESS_THAN": 6,


[docs]class Client: """The API Client for KubeFlow Pipeline. Args: host: The host name to use to talk to Kubeflow Pipelines. If not set, the in-cluster service DNS name will be used, which only works if the current environment is a pod in the same cluster (such as a Jupyter instance spawned by Kubeflow's JupyterHub). Set the host based on client_id: The client ID used by Identity-Aware Proxy. namespace: The namespace where the kubeflow pipeline system is run. other_client_id: The client ID used to obtain the auth codes and refresh tokens. References: other_client_secret: The client secret used to obtain the auth codes and refresh tokens. existing_token: Pass in token directly, it's used for cases better get token outside of SDK, e.x. GCP Cloud Functions or caller already has a token. cookies: CookieJar object containing cookies that will be passed to the pipelines API. proxy: HTTP or HTTPS proxy server. ssl_ca_cert: Cert for proxy. kube_context: String name of context within kubeconfig to use, defaults to the current-context set within kubeconfig. credentials: A TokenCredentialsBase object which provides the logic to populate the requests with credentials to authenticate against the API server. ui_host: Base url to use to open the Kubeflow Pipelines UI. This is used when running the client from a notebook to generate and print links. verify_ssl: Whether to verify the servers TLS certificate or not. """ # in-cluster DNS name of the pipeline service IN_CLUSTER_DNS_NAME = 'ml-pipeline.{}.svc.cluster.local:8888' KUBE_PROXY_PATH = 'api/v1/namespaces/{}/services/ml-pipeline:http/proxy/' # Auto populated path in pods # # NAMESPACE_PATH = '/var/run/secrets/' LOCAL_KFP_CONTEXT = os.path.expanduser('~/.config/kfp/context.json') # TODO: Wrap the configurations for different authentication methods. def __init__( self, host: Optional[str] = None, client_id: Optional[str] = None, namespace: str = 'kubeflow', other_client_id: Optional[str] = None, other_client_secret: Optional[str] = None, existing_token: Optional[str] = None, cookies: Optional[str] = None, proxy: Optional[str] = None, ssl_ca_cert: Optional[str] = None, kube_context: Optional[str] = None, credentials: Optional[str] = None, ui_host: Optional[str] = None, verify_ssl: Optional[bool] = None, ): """Create a new instance of kfp client.""" warnings.warn( 'This client only works with Kubeflow Pipeline v2.0.0-alpha.0 ' 'and later versions.', category=FutureWarning) host = host or os.environ.get(KF_PIPELINES_ENDPOINT_ENV) self._uihost = os.environ.get(KF_PIPELINES_UI_ENDPOINT_ENV, ui_host or host) client_id = client_id or os.environ.get( KF_PIPELINES_IAP_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID_ENV) other_client_id = other_client_id or os.environ.get( KF_PIPELINES_APP_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID_ENV) other_client_secret = other_client_secret or os.environ.get( KF_PIPELINES_APP_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET_ENV) config = self._load_config(host, client_id, namespace, other_client_id, other_client_secret, existing_token, proxy, ssl_ca_cert, kube_context, credentials, verify_ssl) # Save the loaded API client configuration, as a reference if update is # needed. self._load_context_setting_or_default() # If custom namespace provided, overwrite the loaded or default one in # context settings for current client instance if namespace != 'kubeflow': self._context_setting['namespace'] = namespace self._existing_config = config if cookies is None: cookies = self._context_setting.get('client_authentication_cookie') api_client = kfp_server_api.api_client.ApiClient( config, cookie=cookies, header_name=self._context_setting.get( 'client_authentication_header_name'), header_value=self._context_setting.get( 'client_authentication_header_value')) _add_generated_apis(self, kfp_server_api, api_client) self._job_api = kfp_server_api.api.job_service_api.JobServiceApi( api_client) self._run_api = kfp_server_api.api.run_service_api.RunServiceApi( api_client) self._experiment_api = kfp_server_api.api.experiment_service_api.ExperimentServiceApi( api_client) self._pipelines_api = kfp_server_api.api.pipeline_service_api.PipelineServiceApi( api_client) self._upload_api = kfp_server_api.api.PipelineUploadServiceApi( api_client) self._healthz_api = kfp_server_api.api.healthz_service_api.HealthzServiceApi( api_client) if not self._context_setting['namespace'] and self.get_kfp_healthz( ).multi_user is True: try: with open(Client.NAMESPACE_PATH, 'r') as f: current_namespace = self.set_user_namespace(current_namespace) except FileNotFoundError: 'Failed to automatically set namespace.', exc_info=False) def _load_config(self, host, client_id, namespace, other_client_id, other_client_secret, existing_token, proxy, ssl_ca_cert, kube_context, credentials, verify_ssl): config = kfp_server_api.configuration.Configuration() if proxy: # config.proxy = proxy if verify_ssl is not None: config.verify_ssl = verify_ssl if ssl_ca_cert: config.ssl_ca_cert = ssl_ca_cert host = host or '' # Defaults to 'https' if host does not contain 'http' or 'https' protocol. if host and not host.startswith('http'): warnings.warn( 'The host %s does not contain the "http" or "https" protocol.' ' Defaults to "https".' % host) host = 'https://' + host # Preprocess the host endpoint to prevent some common user mistakes. if not client_id: # always preserving the protocol (http://localhost requires it) host = host.rstrip('/') if host: = host token = None # "existing_token" is designed to accept token generated outside of SDK. # # # # # Here is an example. # # import requests # import kfp # # def get_access_token(): # url = '' # r = requests.get(url, headers={'Metadata-Flavor': 'Google'}) # r.raise_for_status() # access_token = r.json()['access_token'] # return access_token # # client = kfp.Client(host='<KFPHost>', existing_token=get_access_token()) # if existing_token: token = existing_token self._is_refresh_token = False elif client_id: token = auth.get_auth_token(client_id, other_client_id, other_client_secret) self._is_refresh_token = True elif self._is_inverse_proxy_host(host): token = auth.get_gcp_access_token() self._is_refresh_token = False elif credentials: config.api_key['authorization'] = 'placeholder' config.api_key_prefix['authorization'] = 'Bearer' config.refresh_api_key_hook = credentials.refresh_api_key_hook if token: config.api_key['authorization'] = token config.api_key_prefix['authorization'] = 'Bearer' return config if host: # if host is explicitly set with auth token, it's probably a port # forward address. return config import kubernetes as k8s in_cluster = True try: k8s.config.load_incluster_config() except: in_cluster = False if in_cluster: = Client.IN_CLUSTER_DNS_NAME.format(namespace) config = self._get_config_with_default_credentials(config) return config try: k8s.config.load_kube_config( client_configuration=config, context=kube_context) except: print('Failed to load kube config.') return config if = + '/' + Client.KUBE_PROXY_PATH.format( namespace) return config def _is_inverse_proxy_host(self, host): if host: return re.match(r'\{0,1}$', host) if re.match(r'\w+', host): warnings.warn( f'The received host is {host}, please include the full endpoint' ' address (with ".(pipelines/notebooks)")' ) return False def _is_ipython(self): """Returns whether we are running in notebook.""" try: import IPython ipy = IPython.get_ipython() if ipy is None: return False except ImportError: return False return True def _get_url_prefix(self): if self._uihost: # User's own connection. if self._uihost.startswith('http://') or self._uihost.startswith( 'https://'): return self._uihost else: return 'http://' + self._uihost # In-cluster pod. We could use relative URL. return '/pipeline' def _load_context_setting_or_default(self): if os.path.exists(Client.LOCAL_KFP_CONTEXT): with open(Client.LOCAL_KFP_CONTEXT, 'r') as f: self._context_setting = json.load(f) else: self._context_setting = { 'namespace': '', } def _refresh_api_client_token(self): """Refreshes the existing token associated with the kfp_api_client.""" if getattr(self, '_is_refresh_token', None): return new_token = auth.get_gcp_access_token() self._existing_config.api_key['authorization'] = new_token def _get_config_with_default_credentials(self, config): """Apply default credentials to the configuration object. This method accepts a Configuration object and extends it with some default credentials interface. """ # XXX: The default credentials are audience-based service account tokens # projected by the kubelet (ServiceAccountTokenVolumeCredentials). As we # implement more and more credentials, we can have some heuristic and # choose from a number of options. # See credentials = auth.ServiceAccountTokenVolumeCredentials() config_copy = copy.deepcopy(config) try: credentials.refresh_api_key_hook(config_copy) except Exception: logging.warning("Failed to set up default credentials. Proceeding" " without credentials...") return config config.refresh_api_key_hook = credentials.refresh_api_key_hook config.api_key_prefix['authorization'] = 'Bearer' config.refresh_api_key_hook(config) return config
[docs] def set_user_namespace(self, namespace: str): """Set user namespace into local context setting file. This function should only be used when Kubeflow Pipelines is in the multi-user mode. Args: namespace: kubernetes namespace the user has access to. """ self._context_setting['namespace'] = namespace if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(Client.LOCAL_KFP_CONTEXT)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(Client.LOCAL_KFP_CONTEXT)) with open(Client.LOCAL_KFP_CONTEXT, 'w') as f: json.dump(self._context_setting, f)
[docs] def get_kfp_healthz(self) -> kfp_server_api.ApiGetHealthzResponse: """Gets healthz info of KFP deployment. Returns: json formatted response from the healtz endpoint. """ count = 0 response = None max_attempts = 5 while not response: count += 1 if count > max_attempts: raise TimeoutError( 'Failed getting healthz endpoint after {} attempts.'.format( max_attempts)) try: response = self._healthz_api.get_healthz() return response # ApiException, including network errors, is the only type that may # recover after retry. except kfp_server_api.ApiException: # logging.exception also logs detailed info about the ApiException logging.exception( 'Failed to get healthz info attempt {} of 5.'.format(count)) time.sleep(5)
[docs] def get_user_namespace(self) -> str: """Get user namespace in context config. Returns: kubernetes namespace from the local context file or empty if it wasn't set. """ return self._context_setting['namespace']
[docs] def create_experiment( self, name: str, description: str = None, namespace: str = None) -> kfp_server_api.ApiExperiment: """Create a new experiment. Args: name: The name of the experiment. description: Description of the experiment. namespace: The Kubernetes namespace where the experiment should be created. For single user deployment, leave it as None; For multi user, input a namespace where the user is authorized. Returns: An Experiment object. Most important field is id. """ namespace = namespace or self.get_user_namespace() experiment = None try: experiment = self.get_experiment( experiment_name=name, namespace=namespace) except ValueError as error: # Ignore error if the experiment does not exist. if not str(error).startswith('No experiment is found with name'): raise error if not experiment:'Creating experiment %s.' % name) resource_references = [] if namespace: key = kfp_server_api.models.ApiResourceKey( id=namespace, type=kfp_server_api.models.ApiResourceType.NAMESPACE) reference = kfp_server_api.models.ApiResourceReference( key=key, relationship=kfp_server_api.models.ApiRelationship.OWNER) resource_references.append(reference) experiment = kfp_server_api.models.ApiExperiment( name=name, description=description, resource_references=resource_references) experiment = self._experiment_api.create_experiment(body=experiment) if self._is_ipython(): import IPython html = \ ('<a href="%s/#/experiments/details/%s" target="_blank" >Experiment details</a>.' % (self._get_url_prefix(), IPython.display.display(IPython.display.HTML(html)) return experiment
[docs] def get_pipeline_id(self, name) -> Optional[str]: """Find the id of a pipeline by name. Args: name: Pipeline name. Returns: The pipeline id if a pipeline with the name exists. """ pipeline_filter = json.dumps({ "predicates": [{ "op": _FILTER_OPERATIONS["EQUALS"], "key": "name", "stringValue": name, }] }) result = self._pipelines_api.list_pipelines(filter=pipeline_filter) if result.pipelines is None: return None if len(result.pipelines) == 1: return result.pipelines[0].id elif len(result.pipelines) > 1: raise ValueError( "Multiple pipelines with the name: {} found, the name needs to be unique" .format(name)) return None
[docs] def list_experiments( self, page_token: str = '', page_size: int = 10, sort_by: str = '', namespace: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None ) -> kfp_server_api.ApiListExperimentsResponse: """Lists experiments. Args: page_token: Token for starting of the page. page_size: Size of the page. sort_by: Can be '[field_name]', '[field_name] desc'. For example, 'name desc'. namespace: Kubernetes namespace where the experiment was created. For single user deployment, leave it as None; For multi user, input a namespace where the user is authorized. filter: A url-encoded, JSON-serialized Filter protocol buffer (see [filter.proto]( An example filter string would be: # For the list of filter operations please see: # json.dumps({ "predicates": [{ "op": _FILTER_OPERATIONS["EQUALS"], "key": "name", "stringValue": "my-name", }] }) Returns: A response object including a list of experiments and next page token. """ namespace = namespace or self.get_user_namespace() response = self._experiment_api.list_experiment( page_token=page_token, page_size=page_size, sort_by=sort_by, resource_reference_key_type=kfp_server_api.models.api_resource_type .ApiResourceType.NAMESPACE, resource_reference_key_id=namespace, filter=filter) return response
[docs] def get_experiment(self, experiment_id=None, experiment_name=None, namespace=None) -> kfp_server_api.ApiExperiment: """Gets details of an experiment. Either experiment_id or experiment_name is required. Args: experiment_id: Id of the experiment. (Optional) experiment_name: Name of the experiment. (Optional) namespace: Kubernetes namespace where the experiment was created. For single user deployment, leave it as None; For multi user, input the namespace where the user is authorized. Returns: A response object including details of a experiment. Raises: kfp_server_api.ApiException: If experiment is not found or None of the arguments is provided """ namespace = namespace or self.get_user_namespace() if experiment_id is None and experiment_name is None: raise ValueError( 'Either experiment_id or experiment_name is required') if experiment_id is not None: return self._experiment_api.get_experiment(id=experiment_id) experiment_filter = json.dumps({ "predicates": [{ "op": _FILTER_OPERATIONS["EQUALS"], "key": "name", "stringValue": experiment_name, }] }) if namespace: result = self._experiment_api.list_experiment( filter=experiment_filter, resource_reference_key_type=kfp_server_api.models .api_resource_type.ApiResourceType.NAMESPACE, resource_reference_key_id=namespace) else: result = self._experiment_api.list_experiment( filter=experiment_filter) if not result.experiments: raise ValueError( 'No experiment is found with name {}.'.format(experiment_name)) if len(result.experiments) > 1: raise ValueError( 'Multiple experiments is found with name {}.'.format( experiment_name)) return result.experiments[0]
[docs] def archive_experiment(self, experiment_id: str): """Archives an experiment. Args: experiment_id: id of the experiment. Raises: kfp_server_api.ApiException: If experiment is not found. """ self._experiment_api.archive_experiment(experiment_id)
[docs] def delete_experiment(self, experiment_id): """Delete experiment. Args: experiment_id: id of the experiment. Returns: If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. Raises: kfp_server_api.ApiException: If experiment is not found. """ return self._experiment_api.delete_experiment(id=experiment_id)
def _extract_pipeline_yaml(self, package_file): def _choose_pipeline_file(file_list) -> str: pipeline_files = [ file for file in file_list if file.endswith('.yaml') ] if len(pipeline_files) == 0: raise ValueError( 'Invalid package. Missing pipeline yaml file in the package.' ) if 'pipeline.yaml' in pipeline_files: return 'pipeline.yaml' elif len(pipeline_files) == 1: return pipeline_files[0] else: raise ValueError( 'Invalid package. There is no pipeline.json file or there ' 'are multiple yaml files.') if package_file.endswith('.tar.gz') or package_file.endswith('.tgz'): with, "r:gz") as tar: file_names = [ for member in tar if member.isfile()] pipeline_file = _choose_pipeline_file(file_names) with tar.extractfile(tar.getmember(pipeline_file)) as f: return yaml.safe_load(f) elif package_file.endswith('.zip'): with zipfile.ZipFile(package_file, 'r') as zip: pipeline_file = _choose_pipeline_file(zip.namelist()) with as f: return yaml.safe_load(f) elif package_file.endswith('.yaml') or package_file.endswith('.yml'): with open(package_file, 'r') as f: return yaml.safe_load(f) else: raise ValueError( f'The package_file {package_file} should end with one of the ' 'following formats: [.tar.gz, .tgz, .zip, .yaml, .yml].') def _override_caching_options(self, workflow: dict, enable_caching: bool): raise NotImplementedError('enable_caching is not supported yet.')
[docs] def list_pipelines( self, page_token: str = '', page_size: int = 10, sort_by: str = '', filter: Optional[str] = None ) -> kfp_server_api.ApiListPipelinesResponse: """Lists pipelines. Args: page_token: Token for starting of the page. page_size: Size of the page. sort_by: one of 'field_name', 'field_name desc'. For example, 'name desc'. filter: A url-encoded, JSON-serialized Filter protocol buffer (see [filter.proto]( An example filter string would be: # For the list of filter operations please see: # json.dumps({ "predicates": [{ "op": _FILTER_OPERATIONS["EQUALS"], "key": "name", "stringValue": "my-name", }] }) Returns: A response object including a list of pipelines and next page token. """ return self._pipelines_api.list_pipelines( page_token=page_token, page_size=page_size, sort_by=sort_by, filter=filter)
# TODO: provide default namespace, similar to kubectl default namespaces.
[docs] def run_pipeline( self, experiment_id: str, job_name: str, pipeline_package_path: Optional[str] = None, params: Optional[dict] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, version_id: Optional[str] = None, pipeline_root: Optional[str] = None, enable_caching: Optional[str] = None, service_account: Optional[str] = None, ) -> kfp_server_api.ApiRun: """Runs a specified pipeline. Args: experiment_id: The id of an experiment. job_name: Name of the job. pipeline_package_path: Local path of the pipeline package (the filename should end with one of the following .tar.gz, .tgz, .zip, .json). params: A dictionary with key (string) as param name and value (string) as as param value. pipeline_id: The id of a pipeline. version_id: The id of a pipeline version. If both pipeline_id and version_id are specified, version_id will take precendence. If only pipeline_id is specified, the default version of this pipeline is used to create the run. pipeline_root: The root path of the pipeline outputs. enable_caching: Optional. Whether or not to enable caching for the run. If not set, defaults to the compile time settings, which are True for all tasks by default, while users may specify different caching options for individual tasks. If set, the setting applies to all tasks in the pipeline (overrides the compile time settings). service_account: Optional. Specifies which Kubernetes service account this run uses. Returns: A run object. Most important field is id. """ if params is None: params = {} job_config = self._create_job_config( experiment_id=experiment_id, params=params, pipeline_package_path=pipeline_package_path, pipeline_id=pipeline_id, version_id=version_id, enable_caching=enable_caching, pipeline_root=pipeline_root, ) run_body = kfp_server_api.models.ApiRun( pipeline_spec=job_config.spec, resource_references=job_config.resource_references, name=job_name, service_account=service_account) response = self._run_api.create_run(body=run_body) if self._is_ipython(): import IPython html = ( '<a href="%s/#/runs/details/%s" target="_blank" >Run details</a>.' % (self._get_url_prefix(), IPython.display.display(IPython.display.HTML(html)) return
[docs] def create_recurring_run( self, experiment_id: str, job_name: str, description: Optional[str] = None, start_time: Optional[str] = None, end_time: Optional[str] = None, interval_second: Optional[int] = None, cron_expression: Optional[str] = None, max_concurrency: Optional[int] = 1, no_catchup: Optional[bool] = None, params: Optional[dict] = None, pipeline_package_path: Optional[str] = None, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, version_id: Optional[str] = None, enabled: bool = True, pipeline_root: Optional[str] = None, enable_caching: Optional[bool] = None, service_account: Optional[str] = None, ) -> kfp_server_api.ApiJob: """Creates a recurring run. Args: experiment_id: The string id of an experiment. job_name: Name of the job. description: An optional job description. start_time: The RFC3339 time string of the time when to start the job. end_time: The RFC3339 time string of the time when to end the job. interval_second: Integer indicating the seconds between two recurring runs in for a periodic schedule. cron_expression: A cron expression representing a set of times, using 6 space-separated fields, e.g. "0 0 9 ? * 2-6". See: max_concurrency: Integer indicating how many jobs can be run in parallel. no_catchup: Whether the recurring run should catch up if behind schedule. For example, if the recurring run is paused for a while and re-enabled afterwards. If no_catchup=False, the scheduler will catch up on (backfill) each missed interval. Otherwise, it only schedules the latest interval if more than one interval is ready to be scheduled. Usually, if your pipeline handles backfill internally, you should turn catchup off to avoid duplicate backfill. (default: {False}) pipeline_package_path: Local path of the pipeline package (the filename should end with one of the following .tar.gz, .tgz, .zip, .json). params: A dictionary with key as param name and value as param value. pipeline_id: The id of a pipeline. version_id: The id of a pipeline version. If both pipeline_id and version_id are specified, version_id will take precedence. If only pipeline_id is specified, the default version of this pipeline is used to create the run. enabled: A bool indicating whether the recurring run is enabled or disabled. pipeline_root: The root path of the pipeline outputs. enable_caching: Optional. Whether or not to enable caching for the run. If not set, defaults to the compile time settings, which are True for all tasks by default, while users may specify different caching options for individual tasks. If set, the setting applies to all tasks in the pipeline (overrides the compile time settings). service_account: Optional. Specifies which Kubernetes service account this recurring run uses. Returns: A Job object. Most important field is id. Raises: ValueError: If required parameters are not supplied. """ job_config = self._create_job_config( experiment_id=experiment_id, params=params, pipeline_package_path=pipeline_package_path, pipeline_id=pipeline_id, version_id=version_id, enable_caching=enable_caching, pipeline_root=pipeline_root, ) if all([interval_second, cron_expression ]) or not any([interval_second, cron_expression]): raise ValueError( 'Either interval_second or cron_expression is required') if interval_second is not None: trigger = kfp_server_api.models.ApiTrigger( periodic_schedule=kfp_server_api.models.ApiPeriodicSchedule( start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, interval_second=interval_second)) if cron_expression is not None: trigger = kfp_server_api.models.ApiTrigger( cron_schedule=kfp_server_api.models.ApiCronSchedule( start_time=start_time, end_time=end_time, cron=cron_expression)) job_body = kfp_server_api.models.ApiJob( enabled=enabled, pipeline_spec=job_config.spec, resource_references=job_config.resource_references, name=job_name, description=description, no_catchup=no_catchup, trigger=trigger, max_concurrency=max_concurrency, service_account=service_account) return self._job_api.create_job(body=job_body)
def _create_job_config( self, experiment_id: str, params: Optional[dict], pipeline_package_path: Optional[str], pipeline_id: Optional[str], version_id: Optional[str], enable_caching: Optional[bool], pipeline_root: Optional[str], ): """Creates a JobConfig with spec and resource_references. Args: experiment_id: The id of an experiment. pipeline_package_path: Local path of the pipeline package (the filename should end with one of the following .tar.gz, .tgz, .zip, .yaml, .yml). params: A dictionary with key as param name and value as param value. pipeline_id: The id of a pipeline. version_id: The id of a pipeline version. If both pipeline_id and version_id are specified, version_id will take precedence. If only pipeline_id is specified, the default version of this pipeline is used to create the run. enable_caching: Optional. Whether or not to enable caching for the run. If not set, defaults to the compile time settings, which are True for all tasks by default, while users may specify different caching options for individual tasks. If set, the setting applies to all tasks in the pipeline (overrides the compile time settings). pipeline_root: The root path of the pipeline outputs. Returns: A JobConfig object with attributes spec and resource_reference. """ class JobConfig: def __init__(self, spec, resource_references): self.spec = spec self.resource_references = resource_references params = params or {} pipeline_yaml_string = None if pipeline_package_path: pipeline_obj = self._extract_pipeline_yaml(pipeline_package_path) # Caching option set at submission time overrides the compile time # settings. if enable_caching is not None: self._override_caching_options(pipeline_obj, enable_caching) pipeline_yaml_string = yaml.dump(pipeline_obj, sort_keys=True) runtime_config = kfp_server_api.models.PipelineSpecRuntimeConfig( pipeline_root=pipeline_root, parameters=params, ) resource_references = [] key = kfp_server_api.models.ApiResourceKey( id=experiment_id, type=kfp_server_api.models.ApiResourceType.EXPERIMENT) reference = kfp_server_api.models.ApiResourceReference( key=key, relationship=kfp_server_api.models.ApiRelationship.OWNER) resource_references.append(reference) if version_id: key = kfp_server_api.models.ApiResourceKey( id=version_id, type=kfp_server_api.models.ApiResourceType.PIPELINE_VERSION) reference = kfp_server_api.models.ApiResourceReference( key=key, relationship=kfp_server_api.models.ApiRelationship.CREATOR) resource_references.append(reference) spec = kfp_server_api.models.ApiPipelineSpec( pipeline_id=pipeline_id, pipeline_manifest=pipeline_yaml_string, runtime_config=runtime_config, ) return JobConfig(spec=spec, resource_references=resource_references)
[docs] def create_run_from_pipeline_func( self, pipeline_func: Callable, arguments: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None, run_name: Optional[str] = None, experiment_name: Optional[str] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, pipeline_root: Optional[str] = None, enable_caching: Optional[bool] = None, service_account: Optional[str] = None, ): """Runs pipeline on KFP-enabled Kubernetes cluster. This command compiles the pipeline function, creates or gets an experiment and submits the pipeline for execution. Args: pipeline_func: A function that describes a pipeline by calling components and composing them into execution graph. arguments: Arguments to the pipeline function provided as a dict. run_name: Optional. Name of the run to be shown in the UI. experiment_name: Optional. Name of the experiment to add the run to. namespace: Kubernetes namespace where the pipeline runs are created. For single user deployment, leave it as None; For multi user, input a namespace where the user is authorized pipeline_root: The root path of the pipeline outputs. enable_caching: Optional. Whether or not to enable caching for the run. If not set, defaults to the compile time settings, which are True for all tasks by default, while users may specify different caching options for individual tasks. If set, the setting applies to all tasks in the pipeline (overrides the compile time settings). service_account: Optional. Specifies which Kubernetes service account this run uses. """ #TODO: Check arguments against the pipeline function pipeline_name = pipeline_func.__name__ run_name = run_name or pipeline_name + ' ' + ).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S') with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: pipeline_package_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'pipeline.yaml') compiler.Compiler().compile( pipeline_func=pipeline_func, package_path=pipeline_package_path, ) return self.create_run_from_pipeline_package( pipeline_file=pipeline_package_path, arguments=arguments, run_name=run_name, experiment_name=experiment_name, namespace=namespace, pipeline_root=pipeline_root, enable_caching=enable_caching, service_account=service_account, )
[docs] def create_run_from_pipeline_package( self, pipeline_file: str, arguments: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = None, run_name: Optional[str] = None, experiment_name: Optional[str] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, pipeline_root: Optional[str] = None, enable_caching: Optional[bool] = None, service_account: Optional[str] = None, ): """Runs pipeline on KFP-enabled Kubernetes cluster. This command takes a local pipeline package, creates or gets an experiment and submits the pipeline for execution. Args: pipeline_file: A compiled pipeline package file. arguments: Arguments to the pipeline function provided as a dict. run_name: Optional. Name of the run to be shown in the UI. experiment_name: Optional. Name of the experiment to add the run to. namespace: Kubernetes namespace where the pipeline runs are created. For single user deployment, leave it as None; For multi user, input a namespace where the user is authorized pipeline_root: The root path of the pipeline outputs. enable_caching: Optional. Whether or not to enable caching for the run. If not set, defaults to the compile time settings, which are True for all tasks by default, while users may specify different caching options for individual tasks. If set, the setting applies to all tasks in the pipeline (overrides the compile time settings). service_account: Optional. Specifies which Kubernetes service account this run uses. """ class RunPipelineResult: def __init__(self, client, run_info): self._client = client self.run_info = run_info self.run_id = def wait_for_run_completion(self, timeout=None): timeout = timeout or datetime.timedelta.max return self._client.wait_for_run_completion( self.run_id, timeout) def __repr__(self): return 'RunPipelineResult(run_id={})'.format(self.run_id) #TODO: Check arguments against the pipeline function pipeline_name = os.path.basename(pipeline_file) experiment_name = experiment_name or os.environ.get( KF_PIPELINES_DEFAULT_EXPERIMENT_NAME, None) overridden_experiment_name = os.environ.get( KF_PIPELINES_OVERRIDE_EXPERIMENT_NAME, experiment_name) if overridden_experiment_name != experiment_name: warnings.warn('Changing experiment name from "{}" to "{}".'.format( experiment_name, overridden_experiment_name)) experiment_name = overridden_experiment_name or 'Default' run_name = run_name or ( pipeline_name + ' ' +'%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S')) experiment = self.create_experiment( name=experiment_name, namespace=namespace) run_info = self.run_pipeline(, job_name=run_name, pipeline_package_path=pipeline_file, params=arguments, pipeline_root=pipeline_root, enable_caching=enable_caching, service_account=service_account, ) return RunPipelineResult(self, run_info)
[docs] def delete_job(self, job_id: str): """Deletes a job. Args: job_id: id of the job. Returns: Object. If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. Raises: kfp_server_api.ApiException: If the job is not found. """ return self._job_api.delete_job(id=job_id)
[docs] def disable_job(self, job_id: str): """Disables a job. Args: job_id: id of the job. Returns: Object. If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. Raises: kfp_server_api.ApiException: If the job is not found. """ return self._job_api.disable_job(id=job_id)
[docs] def enable_job(self, job_id: str): """Enables a job. Args: job_id: id of the job. Returns: Object. If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. Raises: kfp_server_api.ApiException: If the job is not found. """ return self._job_api.enable_job(id=job_id)
[docs] def list_runs( self, page_token: str = '', page_size: int = 10, sort_by: str = '', experiment_id: Optional[str] = None, namespace: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None) -> kfp_server_api.ApiListRunsResponse: """List runs, optionally can be filtered by experiment or namespace. Args: page_token: Token for starting of the page. page_size: Size of the page. sort_by: One of 'field_name', 'field_name desc'. For example, 'name desc'. experiment_id: Experiment id to filter upon namespace: Kubernetes namespace to filter upon. For single user deployment, leave it as None; For multi user, input a namespace where the user is authorized. filter: A url-encoded, JSON-serialized Filter protocol buffer (see [filter.proto]( An example filter string would be: # For the list of filter operations please see: # json.dumps({ "predicates": [{ "op": _FILTER_OPERATIONS["EQUALS"], "key": "name", "stringValue": "my-name", }] }) Returns: A response object including a list of experiments and next page token. """ namespace = namespace or self.get_user_namespace() if experiment_id is not None: response = self._run_api.list_runs( page_token=page_token, page_size=page_size, sort_by=sort_by, resource_reference_key_type=kfp_server_api.models .api_resource_type.ApiResourceType.EXPERIMENT, resource_reference_key_id=experiment_id, filter=filter) elif namespace: response = self._run_api.list_runs( page_token=page_token, page_size=page_size, sort_by=sort_by, resource_reference_key_type=kfp_server_api.models .api_resource_type.ApiResourceType.NAMESPACE, resource_reference_key_id=namespace, filter=filter) else: response = self._run_api.list_runs( page_token=page_token, page_size=page_size, sort_by=sort_by, filter=filter) return response
[docs] def list_recurring_runs( self, page_token: str = '', page_size: int = 10, sort_by: str = '', experiment_id: Optional[str] = None, filter: Optional[str] = None) -> kfp_server_api.ApiListJobsResponse: """Lists recurring runs. Args: page_token: Token for starting of the page. page_size: Size of the page. sort_by: One of 'field_name', 'field_name desc'. For example, 'name desc'. experiment_id: Experiment id to filter upon. filter: A url-encoded, JSON-serialized Filter protocol buffer (see [filter.proto]( An example filter string would be: # For the list of filter operations please see: # json.dumps({ "predicates": [{ "op": _FILTER_OPERATIONS["EQUALS"], "key": "name", "stringValue": "my-name", }] }) Returns: A response object including a list of recurring_runs and next page token. """ if experiment_id is not None: response = self._job_api.list_jobs( page_token=page_token, page_size=page_size, sort_by=sort_by, resource_reference_key_type=kfp_server_api.models .api_resource_type.ApiResourceType.EXPERIMENT, resource_reference_key_id=experiment_id, filter=filter) else: response = self._job_api.list_jobs( page_token=page_token, page_size=page_size, sort_by=sort_by, filter=filter) return response
[docs] def get_recurring_run(self, job_id: str) -> kfp_server_api.ApiJob: """Gets recurring_run details. Args: job_id: id of the recurring_run. Returns: A response object including details of a recurring_run. Raises: kfp_server_api.ApiException: If recurring_run is not found. """ return self._job_api.get_job(id=job_id)
[docs] def get_run(self, run_id: str) -> kfp_server_api.ApiRun: """Gets run details. Args: run_id: id of the run. Returns: A response object including details of a run. Raises: kfp_server_api.ApiException: If run is not found. """ return self._run_api.get_run(run_id=run_id)
[docs] def wait_for_run_completion(self, run_id: str, timeout: int): """Waits for a run to complete. Args: run_id: Run id, returned from run_pipeline. timeout: Timeout in seconds. Returns: A run detail object: Most important fields are run and pipeline_runtime. Raises: TimeoutError: if the pipeline run failed to finish before the specified timeout. """ status = 'Running:' start_time = if isinstance(timeout, datetime.timedelta): timeout = timeout.total_seconds() is_valid_token = False while (status is None or status.lower() not in ['succeeded', 'failed', 'skipped', 'error']): try: get_run_response = self._run_api.get_run(run_id=run_id) is_valid_token = True except kfp_api_server.ApiException as api_ex: # if the token is valid but receiving 401 Unauthorized error # then refresh the token if is_valid_token and api_ex.status == 401:'Access token has expired !!! Refreshing ...') self._refresh_api_client_token() continue else: raise api_ex status = elapsed_time = ( - start_time).total_seconds()'Waiting for the job to complete...') if elapsed_time > timeout: raise TimeoutError('Run timeout') time.sleep(5) return get_run_response
def _get_workflow_json(self, run_id): """Gets the workflow json. Args: run_id: run id, returned from run_pipeline. Returns: workflow: Json workflow """ get_run_response = self._run_api.get_run(run_id=run_id) workflow = get_run_response.pipeline_runtime.workflow_manifest workflow_json = json.loads(workflow) return workflow_json
[docs] def upload_pipeline( self, pipeline_package_path: str = None, pipeline_name: str = None, description: str = None, ) -> kfp_server_api.ApiPipeline: """Uploads the pipeline to the Kubeflow Pipelines cluster. Args: pipeline_package_path: Local path to the pipeline package. pipeline_name: Optional. Name of the pipeline to be shown in the UI. description: Optional. Description of the pipeline to be shown in the UI. Returns: Server response object containing pipleine id and other information. """ response = self._upload_api.upload_pipeline( pipeline_package_path, name=pipeline_name, description=description) if self._is_ipython(): import IPython html = '<a href=%s/#/pipelines/details/%s>Pipeline details</a>.' % ( self._get_url_prefix(), IPython.display.display(IPython.display.HTML(html)) return response
[docs] def upload_pipeline_version( self, pipeline_package_path, pipeline_version_name: str, pipeline_id: Optional[str] = None, pipeline_name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, ) -> kfp_server_api.ApiPipelineVersion: """Uploads a new version of the pipeline to the KFP cluster. Args: pipeline_package_path: Local path to the pipeline package. pipeline_version_name: Name of the pipeline version to be shown in the UI. pipeline_id: Optional. Id of the pipeline. pipeline_name: Optional. Name of the pipeline. description: Optional. Description of the pipeline version to be shown in the UI. Returns: Server response object containing pipleine id and other information. Raises: ValueError: when none or both of pipeline_id or pipeline_name are specified. kfp_server_api.ApiException: If pipeline id is not found. """ if all([pipeline_id, pipeline_name ]) or not any([pipeline_id, pipeline_name]): raise ValueError('Either pipeline_id or pipeline_name is required') if pipeline_name: pipeline_id = self.get_pipeline_id(pipeline_name) kwargs = dict( name=pipeline_version_name, pipelineid=pipeline_id, ) if description: kwargs['description'] = description response = self._upload_api.upload_pipeline_version( pipeline_package_path, **kwargs) if self._is_ipython(): import IPython html = '<a href=%s/#/pipelines/details/%s>Pipeline details</a>.' % ( self._get_url_prefix(), IPython.display.display(IPython.display.HTML(html)) return response
[docs] def get_pipeline(self, pipeline_id: str) -> kfp_server_api.ApiPipeline: """Gets pipeline details. Args: pipeline_id: id of the pipeline. Returns: A response object including details of a pipeline. Raises: kfp_server_api.ApiException: If pipeline is not found. """ return self._pipelines_api.get_pipeline(id=pipeline_id)
[docs] def delete_pipeline(self, pipeline_id): """Deletes a pipeline. Args: pipeline_id: id of the pipeline. Returns: Object. If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. Raises: kfp_server_api.ApiException: If pipeline is not found. """ return self._pipelines_api.delete_pipeline(id=pipeline_id)
[docs] def list_pipeline_versions( self, pipeline_id: str, page_token: str = '', page_size: int = 10, sort_by: str = '', filter: Optional[str] = None ) -> kfp_server_api.ApiListPipelineVersionsResponse: """Lists pipeline versions. Args: pipeline_id: Id of the pipeline to list versions page_token: Token for starting of the page. page_size: Size of the page. sort_by: One of 'field_name', 'field_name desc'. For example, 'name desc'. filter: A url-encoded, JSON-serialized Filter protocol buffer (see [filter.proto]( An example filter string would be: # For the list of filter operations please see: # json.dumps({ "predicates": [{ "op": _FILTER_OPERATIONS["EQUALS"], "key": "name", "stringValue": "my-name", }] }) Returns: A response object including a list of versions and next page token. Raises: kfp_server_api.ApiException: If pipeline is not found. """ return self._pipelines_api.list_pipeline_versions( page_token=page_token, page_size=page_size, sort_by=sort_by, resource_key_type=kfp_server_api.models.api_resource_type .ApiResourceType.PIPELINE, resource_key_id=pipeline_id, filter=filter)
[docs] def delete_pipeline_version(self, version_id: str): """Deletes a pipeline version. Args: version_id: id of the pipeline version. Returns: Object. If the method is called asynchronously, returns the request thread. Raises: kfp_server_api.ApiException: If pipeline is not found. """ return self._pipelines_api.delete_pipeline_version( version_id=version_id)
def _add_generated_apis(target_struct, api_module, api_client): """Initializes a hierarchical API object based on the generated API module. PipelineServiceApi.create_pipeline becomes target_struct.pipelines.create_pipeline """ Struct = type('Struct', (), {}) def camel_case_to_snake_case(name): return re.sub('([a-z0-9])([A-Z])', r'\1_\2', name).lower() for api_name in dir(api_module): if not api_name.endswith('ServiceApi'): continue short_api_name = camel_case_to_snake_case( api_name[0:-len('ServiceApi')]) + 's' api_struct = Struct() setattr(target_struct, short_api_name, api_struct) service_api = getattr(api_module.api, api_name) initialized_service_api = service_api(api_client) for member_name in dir(initialized_service_api): if member_name.startswith('_') or member_name.endswith( '_with_http_info'): continue bound_member = getattr(initialized_service_api, member_name) setattr(api_struct, member_name, bound_member) models_struct = Struct() for member_name in dir(api_module.models): if not member_name[0].islower(): setattr(models_struct, member_name, getattr(api_module.models, member_name)) target_struct.api_models = models_struct # TODO: merge with maybe_rename_for_k8s or not? def _sanitize_k8s_name(name: str): """Cleans and converts the name for k8s requirements. Args: name: The original name. Returns: The sanitized name. """ return re.sub('-+', '-', re.sub('[^-_0-9A-Za-z]+', '-', name)).lstrip('-').rstrip('-')