google_cloud_pipeline_components.v1.model module

Core modules for AI Platform Pipeline Components.

google_cloud_pipeline_components.v1.model.ModelExportOp(model: google.VertexModel, export_format_id: str, artifact_destination: str = '', image_destination: str = '')

model_export Exports a trained, exportable, Model to a location specified by the user. A Model is considered to be exportable if it has at least one supported export format. For more details, see

model (google.VertexModel):

Required. The model to be exported.

export_format_id (str):

The ID of the format in which the Model must be exported. Each Model lists the export formats it supports. If no value is provided here, then the first from the list of the Model’s supported formats is used by default.

artifact_destination (Optional[str]):

The Cloud Storage location where the Model artifact is to be written to. Under the directory given as the destination a new one with name “model-export-<model-display-name>-<timestamp-of-export-call>”, where timestamp is in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ ISO-8601 format, will be created. Inside, the Model and any of its supporting files will be written.

This field should only be set when, in [Model.supported_export_formats], the value for the key given in export_format_id contains ARTIFACT.

image_destination (Optional[str]):

The Google Container Registry or Artifact Registry URI where the Model container image will be copied to. Accepted forms:

  • Google Container Registry path. For example:

  • Artifact Registry path. For example:

This field should only be set when, in [Model.supported_export_formats], the value for the key given in export_format_id contains IMAGE.

output_info (str):

Details of the completed export with output destination paths to the artifacts or container image.

google_cloud_pipeline_components.v1.model.ModelUploadOp(project: str, display_name: str, location: str = 'us-central1', description: str = '', unmanaged_container_model: google.UnmanagedContainerModel = None, serving_container_image_uri: str = '', serving_container_command: list = '[]', serving_container_args: list = '[]', serving_container_environment_variables: list = '[]', serving_container_ports: list = '[]', serving_container_predict_route: str = '', serving_container_health_route: str = '', instance_schema_uri: str = '', parameters_schema_uri: str = '', prediction_schema_uri: str = '', artifact_uri: str = '', explanation_metadata: dict = '{}', explanation_parameters: dict = '{}', encryption_spec_key_name: str = '', labels: dict = '{}')

model_upload Uploads a model and returns a Model representing the uploaded Model resource. For more details, see

project (str):

Required. Project to upload this model to.

location (Optional[str]):

Optional location to upload this model to. If not set, default to us-central1.

display_name (str):

Required. The display name of the Model. The name can be up to 128 characters long and can be consist of any UTF-8 characters.

description (Optional[str]):

The description of the model.

unmanaged_container_model (Optional[google.UnmanagedContainerModel]):

Optional. The unmanaged container model to be uploaded.

The model can be passed from an upstream step, or imported via an importer node. ```

from kfp.v2.components import importer_node from google_cloud_pipeline_components.types import artifact_types

importer_spec = importer_node.importer(

artifact_uri=’gs://managed-pipeline-gcpc-e2e-test/automl-tabular/model’, artifact_class=artifact_types.UnmanagedContainerModel, metadata={

‘containerSpec’: {





serving_container_image_uri (Optional[str]):

Deprecated. Please use unmanaged_container_model instead. Optional. The URI of the Model serving container. Either this parameter or unmanaged_container_model needs to be provided.

For more details, see

serving_container_command (Optional[Sequence[str]]=None):

Deprecated. Please use unmanaged_container_model instead.

The command with which the container is run. Not executed within a shell. The Docker image’s ENTRYPOINT is used if this is not provided. Variable references $(VAR_NAME) are expanded using the container’s environment. If a variable cannot be resolved, the reference in the input string will be unchanged. The $(VAR_NAME) syntax can be escaped with a double $$, ie: $$(VAR_NAME). Escaped references will never be expanded, regardless of whether the variable exists or not.

For more details, see

serving_container_args (Optional[Sequence[str]]=None):

Deprecated. Please use unmanaged_container_model instead.

The arguments to the command. The Docker image’s CMD is used if this is not provided. Variable references $(VAR_NAME) are expanded using the container’s environment. If a variable cannot be resolved, the reference in the input string will be unchanged. The $(VAR_NAME) syntax can be escaped with a double $$, ie: $$(VAR_NAME). Escaped references will never be expanded, regardless of whether the variable exists or not.

For more details, see

serving_container_environment_variables (Optional[dict[str, str]]=None):

Deprecated. Please use unmanaged_container_model instead.

The environment variables that are to be present in the container. Should be a dictionary where keys are environment variable names and values are environment variable values for those names.

For more details, see

serving_container_ports (Optional[Sequence[int]]=None):

Deprecated. Please use unmanaged_container_model instead.

Declaration of ports that are exposed by the container. This field is primarily informational, it gives Vertex AI information about the network connections the container uses. Listing or not a port here has no impact on whether the port is actually exposed, any port listening on the default “” address inside a container will be accessible from the network.

For more details, see

serving_container_predict_route (Optional[str]):

Deprecated. Please use unmanaged_container_model instead.

An HTTP path to send prediction requests to the container, and which must be supported by it. If not specified a default HTTP path will be used by Vertex AI.

For more details, see

serving_container_health_route (Optional[str]):

Deprecated. Please use unmanaged_container_model instead.

An HTTP path to send health check requests to the container, and which must be supported by it. If not specified a standard HTTP path will be used by Vertex AI.

For more details, see

instance_schema_uri (Optional[str]):

Deprecated. Please use unmanaged_container_model instead.

Points to a YAML file stored on Google Cloud Storage describing the format of a single instance, which are used in PredictRequest.instances, ExplainRequest.instances and BatchPredictionJob.input_config. The schema is defined as an OpenAPI 3.0.2 Schema Object. AutoML Models always have this field populated by AI Platform. Note: The URI given on output will be immutable and probably different, including the URI scheme, than the one given on input. The output URI will point to a location where the user only has a read access.

For more details on PredictionSchema, see

parameters_schema_uri (Optional[str]):

Deprecated. Please use unmanaged_container_model instead.

Points to a YAML file stored on Google Cloud Storage describing the parameters of prediction and explanation via PredictRequest.parameters, ExplainRequest.parameters and BatchPredictionJob.model_parameters. The schema is defined as an OpenAPI 3.0.2 Schema Object. AutoML Models always have this field populated by AI Platform, if no parameters are supported it is set to an empty string. Note: The URI given on output will be immutable and probably different, including the URI scheme, than the one given on input. The output URI will point to a location where the user only has a read access.

For more details on PredictionSchema, see

prediction_schema_uri (Optional[str]):

Deprecated. Please use unmanaged_container_model instead.

Points to a YAML file stored on Google Cloud Storage describing the format of a single prediction produced by this Model, which are returned via PredictResponse.predictions, ExplainResponse.explanations, and BatchPredictionJob.output_config. The schema is defined as an OpenAPI 3.0.2 Schema Object. AutoML Models always have this field populated by AI Platform. Note: The URI given on output will be immutable and probably different, including the URI scheme, than the one given on input. The output URI will point to a location where the user only has a read access.

For more details on PredictionSchema, see

artifact_uri (Optional[str]):

Deprecated. Please use unmanaged_container_model instead.

The path to the directory containing the Model artifact and any of its supporting files. Leave blank for custom container prediction. Not present for AutoML Models.

explanation_metadata (Optional[dict]):

Metadata describing the Model’s input and output for explanation. Both explanation_metadata and explanation_parameters must be passed together when used.

For more details, see

explanation_parameters (Optional[dict]):

Parameters to configure explaining for Model’s predictions.

For more details, see

encryption_spec_key_name (Optional[str]):

Customer-managed encryption key spec for a Model. If set, this Model and all sub-resources of this Model will be secured by this key.

Has the form: projects/my-project/locations/my-location/keyRings/my-kr/cryptoKeys/my-key. The key needs to be in the same region as where the compute resource is created.

labels (Optional[dict]):

The labels with user-defined metadata to organize your model.

Label keys and values can be no longer than 64 characters (Unicode codepoints), can only contain lowercase letters, numeric characters, underscores and dashes. International characters are allowed.

See for more information and examples of labels.

model (google.VertexModel):

Artifact tracking the created model.

gcp_resources (str):

Serialized gcp_resources proto tracking the upload model’s long running operation.

For more details, see